Dave's first book, titled Boston Strong: A City's Triumph Over Tragedy and co-written with author Casey Sherman, was released in February 2015. Boston Mayor Marty Walsh wrote the foreword for the book, which is a non-fiction drama about the Boston Marathon bombing. The book was used for the movie Patriots Day starring Mark Wahlberg. The book was also part of a display on the Boston Marathon attacks at the National Crime Museum in Washington, D.C.
Wedge and Sherman teamed up again to tell the life story of Pete Frates a BC baseball player who has since passed away from ALS. Pete was the inspiration for the worldwide Ice Bucket Challenge social media phenomenon. The book, titled Ice Bucket Challenge: Pete Frates and the Fight Against ALS includes a foreword by Boston Bruin Hall of Famer and friend of Boston 7 Rotary Ray Bourque! Dave and Casey also co-authored 12: The Inside Story of Tom Brady's Fight for Redemption. All of Dave's books are for sale through Amazon.com.
Dave is also a respected journalist and tv & radio contributor who has received numerous awards for his outstanding journalism. Dave and his wife Jessica are the proud parents of two children and reside in the Boston area.